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  • Category Development
  • Client Makhamisa
  • Start Date 20 December 2016
  • Handover 01 February2017
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“Spicing Up Success: Makhamisa Foods’ Journey to E-Commerce Excellence”

Makhamisa Foods was founded by Terence Leluma in 2015. The name “Makhamisa” is derived from the Zulu word for the open-mouthed gasp one makes after eating spicy food. Their relishes, with flavors like “Nyana,” “Ncaaa,” and “Tjerr,” are designed to leave a lasting impression on taste buds


  • + Cultural Sensitivity: Balancing modern design with authentic African heritage.
  • + Technical Integration: Seamlessly integrating e-commerce functionality.
  • + Content Creation: Crafting engaging content for each relish.
  • + User Experience Optimization: Designing an intuitive website.
  • + Marketing and Promotion: Promoting Makhamisa Foods effectively.
  • + Feedback and Iteration: Continuously improving the platform.
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Spiral 8 Studio and Mamazala’s Solution:

Spiral 8 Studio and Mamazala collaborated closely with Makhamisa to create an exceptional e-commerce platform. Here are the key highlights:  

Visual Hierarchy:The website design emphasized visual hierarchy, ensuring that users could easily navigate and understand product information2. The team strategically arranged elements to showcase the relishes’ importance and evoke curiosity.  

African Heritage: The website celebrated African culinary heritage. Spirited colors, authentic imagery, and storytelling conveyed the brand’s essence. Users could explore the rich history behind each relish and its connection to traditional African cuisine.  

Product Showcase: The e-commerce platform featured high-quality images of Makhamisa’s products. Detailed descriptions, ingredient lists, and cooking tips accompanied each item. Users could virtually experience the flavors and cultural significance.  

User Experience: Spiral 8 Studio and Mamazala prioritized user experience. The website was responsive, intuitive, and optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Smooth navigation, quick load times, and secure checkout processes enhanced the overall journey.

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The collaboration resulted in a successful e-commerce website that: Increased Makhamisa’s online visibility. Boosted sales by providing a seamless shopping experience. Educated consumers about African flavors and culinary traditions.

The partnership between Spiral 8 Studio, Mamazala, and Makhamisa Foods exemplifies how creativity, cultural pride, and digital expertise can elevate a brand. Makhamisa’s e-commerce platform now stands as a testament to African excellence in the culinary world.